Clinical Services
Our Services
Tuberculosis (TB) Testing
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by bacteria that are spread through the air from person to person. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal. Getting tested and treated for TB can protect yourself, your family and friends, and your community. The Calloway County Health Department offers TB Skin Testing for $25.
Reporting & Investigation of Possible Communicable Diseases
The Calloway County Health Department is responsible for reporting and investigation of possible communicable diseases. Click the button for the list of reportable diseases, the reporting timeframes, and the EPID 200 form.
On-time vaccination during childhood is crucial. Vaccinations help to provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. Make sure your child is up to date on all their childhood immunizations.
Immunity is the body’s way of preventing disease. Because a baby’s immune system is not fully developed at birth, babies face a greater risk of becoming infected and getting seriously ill. Vaccines help teach the immune system learn how to defend against germs. Vaccination protects your baby by helping build up their natural defenses.
If your child or adolescent younger than 19 and meet one or more of the following criteria, they are eligible to receive immunizations at the Calloway County Health Department:
• Medicaid eligible
• Uninsured
• American Indian or Alaska native
• Underinsured (has an insurance provider that does not cover immunizations)
To access a copy of your immunization records from the KYIR Public portal, scan the QR code below or click here.
Fluoride Dental Varnish
We are now offering Fluoride Dental Varnish to our pediatric patients.
Fluoride varnishes are primarily used as a decay prevention therapy for pediatric patients and persons at high risk for tooth decay.
Individuals who benefit the most from fluoride varnish include children, ages 0 through 5 years who have a family history of decay, low levels of fluoride in their drinking water or limited access to dental care. At the minimum, the fluoride varnish should be applied 2 times a year and those children who are at higher risk for decay may require more frequent applications.
Vital Statistics & Paternity Services
The Calloway County Health Department has a local registrar, who is responsible for providing voluntary acknowledgement of paternity services and maintaining and/or processing vital records such as birth and death records. However, to obtain a certified copy of any certificate, you must contact the Office of Vital Statistics or click on the link below to order the certificate on-line. Applications for birth and death certificates may be obtained at the health department. DNA testing is not performed at the health department; however, call at 1-800-DNA-TEST or the Calloway County Attorney’s office at 270-759-4115 for more information.
STI Testing
Testing & treatment available for STI’s include:
• Syphillis
• Chlamydia
• Gonorrhea
We also offer HIV and HEP C testing, counseling and referrals. Educational resources and free condoms are available. These services are confidential and no one will be refused testing/treatment. A complete STD screen and treatment costs less than $50.