Environmental Services
Calloway County Health Department provides environmental health services to ensure the safety of the public and the protection of the community. To better serve the public, office hours have been set for those individuals who need to meet with a health environmentalist.
Environmental Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am-9am
State Plumbing Inspector Office Hours
Monday: 8am-9am
Thursday: 8am-9am
Food Establishments
The Calloway County Health Department is required to permit and inspect all food establishments that serve the public, such as restaurants, schools, cafeterias, daycares, gas stations, and grocery stores. Restaurant inspection scores are considered public record and can be requested upon completion of an Open Records Request, which is available on the About Us tab of this website. In addition, you can ask an establishment directly to view a copy of their latest inspection form. For more information about starting a food service establishment, contact the health department environmental team for guidance.
Food making you queasy? Reporting it is easy.
Public Facilities
Certain public facilities such as schools, hotels, mobile home parks, public swimming pools, and tattoo/piercing studios are required to be permitted and inspected by the health department. These facilities are inspected for the assurance of sanitary conditions to prevent sickness/disease or injury. For more information about public facilities requirements, contact the health department environmental team.
General Sanitation
General sanitation items include, but are not limited to, public health nuisance control, private well water testing, and rabies control. Public health nuisances include, but are not limited to, rodent/insect control, surfacing sewage, and improper garbage disposal. The health department investigates these instances on a complaint basis. For private well water testing, testing, please contact Murray State University at
270-809-6362 or 270-809-2786. A fee is required by MSU for this service.
When a human is scratched or bitten by any animal and medical care is provided, an animal bite report (See the form below) must be completed and faxed to the health department so that proper rabies control procedures can be taken via quarantine and release or animal brain tissue analysis. Contact the environmental team if you have any questions.
On-Site Sewage
The Calloway County Health Department is responsible for making the determination if site and soil conditions are suitable for onsite wastewater systems. This determination is completed in two stages—Site Evaluation and Permit to Construct process, both of which require payment of applicable fees prior to work being performed. The onsite soil evaluation process is completed by the environmental team to determine if the site is suitable for the system. The Permit to Construct an onsite sewage system can only be obtained by a Kentucky certified installer or homeowner that will be installing the system. During the installation process, the system will be inspected to ensure that all components and the construction meet the Kentucky regulations. To learn more about the onsite sewage regulations, click the button below.
On-Site Sewage Fees
• Site Evaluation Fee (New or Repair): $250
• Permit Fee (New): $250
• Permit Fee (Repair): $150
The Calloway County Health Department hosts an annual installer training to provide the required training for the certified installers in our area. Training dates and information will be announced on our home page.
Forms & Links

Kentucky is known as a great place to enjoy the outdoors. Whether you are hunting, fishing, or hiking, being outdoors may put you in contact with ticks which can carry diseases.
The most common tickborne diseases in Kentucky are Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and Lyme Disease.