From pregnancy to the terrific twos!
Kentucky’s HANDS program supports your throughout your pregnancy and the first two years of your baby’s life. HANDS is here to answer all your questions during the different stages of your baby’s growth.
HANDS is a voluntary home visitation program for moms, dads, and families. HANDS answers questions and provides parents with support in developing a parent-child relationship, at no cost to the family.
Kentucky’s HANDS Program
Who can participate?
Any parent (mom/dad) expecting a new baby
Families must be enrolled prenatally or before a child is 90 days old
Why should parents participate in HANDS?
Pregnancy and parenthood can be overwhelming experiences, which come with worries, questions and stress.
During pregnancy, a parent may wonder:
Are the feelings I’m having about my pregnancy typical?
What should I know before delivery and before bringing my baby home?
After the child arrives, questions may include:
How do I know what my baby needs when he cries?
How do I help my baby and other children feel secure and loved?
When should my child begin walking and talking?
What can parents expect?
All families will receive information and learn about community resources for parents. Some families will receive further support through home visitation. These families will engage in fun activities, right in their home, to learn more about:
Having a healthy pregnancy
Caring for their baby
How to bond with their child
How to provide their child with enriching learning experiences
Creating a safe and healthy home
Child development
Dealing with stress
How has HANDS improved Kentucky families’ lives?
Families who participated in HANDS (compared to families who did not participate) experienced:
Fewer premature infants
Fewer low birth weight babies
Fewer very low birth weight babies
Fewer developmental delays